A Journey2Green
For you, solar energy is probably new territory. For us it’s a culmination of a decade of experience. We’ve paid the school fees, so you don’t have to. It’s allowed us to develop the critical steps that will assist you to make an informed decision – one that delivers guaranteed performance in an auditable and transparent manner.
We Follow A 3-Step Process
Enjoy Access To
World-Class Energy Guides
The journey to energy independence can be easy but only if you have the right guides. Our world-class team are pioneers in renewable energy solutions. We steer you away from the many pit falls that can easily make your journey difficult and expensive. Our simulations and desktop analysis conducted before we propose a solution gives you a view of the best path to take to optimise your returns and maximise your investment.

Solar Industry Check List
Certification And Steps A Renewable Energy Company Should Have And Give You:

1. Are they registered with:
a. SAPVIA (South African Photovoltaic Association)
b. PV Green Card (Promoting safe quality Solar PV installers)
c. SAESA (South African Energy Storage Association)
d. ECA (For electrical contractors used on installation)
a. SAPVIA (South African Photovoltaic Association)
b. PV Green Card (Promoting safe quality Solar PV installers)
c. SAESA (South African Energy Storage Association)
d. ECA (For electrical contractors used on installation)

2. All equipment used must be NRS097 certified, linked specifically to the product code.

3. Reference Sites that are contactable.

4. Installer / Renewable Business must be VAT Registered.

5. New SANS COC from installation to main DB done by a qualified electrician.

6. Client must have a SANS COC for existing DB before any installation will be done.

7. If installation is to be financed the EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) must be registered with Banks (i.e. letter from bank that they are registered).

8. MUST get SSEG (Small Scale Embedded Generation) approval from ESKOM, Municipality and registered with NERSA. A letter must be supplied to confirm that the system is registered. Back-Up or Solar must all be registered, and you need a letter to confirm this with a reference number.

9. Helio Panel Layout Design, SLD (Single Line Diagram) design of electrical connections and panel strings must be supplied.

10. Warranty documents from supplier / manufacturer.

Your Journey Is Unique.
That’s Our Difference.
Every Journey2Green solution is different. We develop bespoke solutions for every client.
This ensures you maximise your investment with financial savings that are greater than the input costs. In this way you will benefit from a zero-cost investment as the guaranteed savings pay for the set-up infrastructure in the long term. This makes your journey to energy independence risk free.